Sunday, June 9, 2013

Our adjustment is going well as our family has relocated to Homestead, Florida, about the same distance from Miami as Provo is to Salt Lake City. We have placed an offer on a beautiful 3 bedroom home and the offer has been accepted, so we hope to be moving in around the end of July.

Ben has taken over the Harbor Freight Tools in Cutler Bay, Florida. He is enjoying the new position and the work there. We have been living in a small 2 bedroom apartment on the border of Homestead and Florida city. If you find Florida City on a map you'll see it's the last city before Key Largo, so yes, we are very close (about 20 minutes) to Key Largo and VERY far south, which means it's hot and humid and wonderful. We are enjoying the warm weather, but not so much the bugs that come with it. Ben gets to ride his motorcycle everywhere, which is slightly crazy considering Florida has THE WORST DRIVERS IN THE U.S. It's funny how people used to say that Utah drivers were so terrible, having lived there for so long and now here, there's no comparison.

Haven is now three months old. She has been a very happy baby. She gets fussy a couple of times a day, when she gets tired or hungry or just doesn't get her way. She can't stand being on her back or her stomach, she always wants to be standing or sitting upright.

We think she might be starting to teeth as she seems to be sucking on her hand ALL THE TIME. She's still a sweetheart despite it and seems to handle mosquito bites ok. They're hard to avoid here. Here's a small video of her:

Aunt Deb was kind enough to send a few baby toys with us when we moved to Miami and Haven's favorite has been the Johnny Jump-up.

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