Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Haven's photo birth story

So it's been a few weeks since we added anything to our family blog. I think we were both planning on taking more photos and writing more. I know Hannah's been working on Haven's birth story as told by her perspective but I don't know if it's completed yet. We will, of course, add it when she's finished. In the meantime we thought we would share, for those who haven't yet seen, Haven's "birth story" via photos. We were blessed to have one Hannah's friends, a photographer named Michelle Cavender, present in the hospital with us when Hannah gave birth and she took some amazing pictures some of you have seen already on Hannah's facebook. I've included the link below if you'd like to see them, they really are amazing. Hannah also had some maternity pictures taken that are really breathtaking, but I don't know if she's shared them yet. I might take the liberty to do that soon, if not just a few of them.

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are so beautiful and made me cry. I was mostly thinking of how hard labor is (and dreading it a little) in the first handful of photos, and then suddenly you see Hannah's face when Haven comes and those tears are just so touching. You will treasure these forever! How amazing to have it documented. Love you guys!
